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In Nov. 1960 about twenty orchid lovers, almost all amateurs, decided to start a little group to discuss orchids. Calling themselves the ‘West Side Orchid Growers,’ they met on the first Wednesday of each month for an informal dinner meeting at the Town Crier restaurant on Center Ridge Road across from the Ridgeville Shopping Center. There were no officers, dues or set programs
Within two years, they held their first orchid show at Higbees in Westgate Shopping Center in Fairview Park Ohio on March 31, 1962.
They joined the American Orchid Soc. in 1969 as West Shore Orchid Soc., now meeting the third Wednesday of every other month.
They hosted their first Mid America Congress from October 28-30, 1983 in Midway Mall in Elyria, Ohio with their program logo showing an Orchid on the western shore of Lake Erie.
On June 12, 1992 they held a Mid-America Orchid Congress at Oberlin College with over 150 attendees. Speakers included Dr. Warren Stoutamire, Hermann Pigors, and Cordelia Head.
On Sept 27th 1995 West Shore Orchid Soc. co-hosted with The Greater Cleveland Orchid Soc. a Mid America Orchid Show at the Holiday Inn in Independence, Ohio.
On April 27-29 2018 West Shore Orchid Soc. hosted Mid America Orchid Show at the South Park Mall Strongsville Ohio. Speakers Tom Mirenda. Ching Hua, Tom Sampliner, Bill Thoms. & Wayne Roberts
Now, some 62 years after their humble beginning, they remain a lively group, meeting 8 times/ year and hosting annual shows in Strongsville, Ohio. We invite you to join us!
West Shore Orchid Society